The Good Life

The Good Life

Are you a disciple of Jesus? 

A disciple is someone who knows Jesus. Trusts Jesus. Loves Jesus. Stays connected to Jesus and other Jesus followers. Follows Jesus and is fully committed to serving in his mission. 

That’s what we’re trying to DO, and who we are trying to BE: Disciples. 

Are you a disciple of Jesus? 

But what is a disciple, really? What does that look like in your life and mine? 

When you boil down Christian living to the most essential components, you come up with three core components. These essential elements of following Jesus come from Jesus as well. We call it the Mountain Walk. They answer the question: What does a disciple look like? 

The three components Jesus gives are basic but bold. Brilliant and beautiful. Simple enough for a child to grasp, deep enough that none of us will ever fully plumb their depths. 

Being a disciple or follower of Jesus means learning how to make your life about these three things. Helping people make progress on this Mountain Walk is what our church is about. Each of us has a next step on this Mountain Walk. It’s time to take that step. 

Love God. Love People. Serve the World. 

God Has a Plan for You | The Good Life

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