Grow Through Mountain classes

As you’re walking your faith journey at Mountain, there are many ways you can grow deeper in your faith. One of those ways is to LEARN! Explore your faith by learning new skills and practical ways to put your faith into practice through a course at Mountain.

There are many types of courses you can take through Mountain to grow deeper in your theology, leadership, and formation. So come humble and hungry to learn!

upcoming classes

Milligan at Mountain

Spring 2025 | Come and learn! Milligan at Mountain is designed for anyone who desires to grow spiritually and intellectually.


Blended Family Class

April 2025 | Marriage is hard and blending a family adds its own unique stressors. Joy is found, however, in the privilege of growing together as a complex and completely unique entity with Christ leading the way.


The Perspectives Course

September 7-December 14 | Perspectives is a fifteen-lesson discipleship course exploring different aspects of God’s global purpose in a multi-faceted learning experience.


Courageous Conversations for Couples

March 2025 | Whether you are dating, engaged, or you have been married for years, every couple can learn and grow from this seminar.