Upcoming Events

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Kids + Students Camps

Summer 2024 | Make camp a part of your summer plans!


Prayer and Worship Night 

May 28 | Join in for a night of prayer, worship, and celebration at the Mountain Road Campus!


Meal Deal Thursday Night Church

We are pulling two incredible things together as a part of our Thursday Night Service. Food + Church! Can you think of any combination better than that?



June 15 | In celebration of 200 years, more than 500 people will be sent out to participate with ServeFest. This is a day for everyone to serve in our communities all over Harford County and beyond—spreading to Parkville in Baltimore County! 


Kids Water Slide Day

July 15 | Let's celebrate summer by having some water slide fun! 


Students Groups

Fall-Spring | Real conversations. Life-long friendships. Adult leaders who truly care. Join a students group today!


Second Saturday Serve | Mountain Road

Second Saturday Serve (SSS) is a great way to meet new people, build friendships, and be a part of Mountain culture!