Day 10 | Nothing is Impossible

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Day 10 | Nothing is Impossible

Dec, 9 2021
Audio only

Who wants a God who can be easily explained?! Why do we insist on having a God we can tie down, box up, explain with science or our own understanding? If God can’t make a virgin conceive, how in the world is God going to save your marriage, change your heart, overcome your addiction, or heal a deep hurt? How could he rescue us? How could he create the universe if he can’t put a baby in a young woman’s belly? Into our questions and troubled spirit God sends a message, just as he did to Mary: “Do not be afraid!” 

Listen to the song  “Mary Did You Know?” by Pentatonix to continue your reflection time with a moment of worship. All songs mentioned in the Advent Reflections Podcast can be found on Mountain’s YouTube Channel at or on Spotify by searching for the playlist “MCC Advent”. 

Mountain is one church with multiple locations. Come and be part of a community of people on the journey to discover more about Jesus. Everyone's welcome. Find out more about in-person and online service times and locations at

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